Vanilla Butternut Pound Cake


600 gr sugar
375 gr all purpose flour
95 gr vegetable shortening
1 package evaporated milk
2 margarine
6 eggs
1 gr salt
26 gr vanilla extract


Butternut flavoring * or use two third cup evaporated milk and water to equal 1 cup. Cream shortening, margerine, sugar and salt. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each. Add flour and milk alternately beginning and ending with flour. Fold in flavoring by hand. Bake in greased tube pan. Put cake in COLD oven then turn oven on to 325 degrees. Bake 1 hour 45 minutes. Do not open door while baking. Remove cake from pan immediately after removing it from oven. The best thing about this cake is that the outside is crunchy, and the inside is wonderfully moist! Debbie Nachman ----