

280 gr flour
100 gr sugar
9 gr baking powder
5 gr baking soda
190 gr zucchini
180 gr egg substitute
60 ml vegetable oil
30 ml lemon juice
2 gr lemon peel


Preheat oven to 180ºC . Line dozen 2- 1 cm muffing pans with paper baking cups; set aside. In large mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda; set aside. In medium mixing bowl combine remaining ingredients, stirring to combine; add to flour mixture and stir until moistened. Fill each baking cup with an equal amount of batter. Bake in center oven rack for 20 minutes or until golden and toothpick comes out dry. Remove from oven to wire rack and let cool. Weight Watcher Exchanges: -20ºC at, quarter Protein, quarter Vegetable, 1 Bread, 40 Optional Calories. Per serving: 167 calories, 4 g. protein, 5 g. fat, 27 g. carbohydrates, 47 mg. calcium, 161 mg. sodium, 0 mg. cholesterol, 1 g. dietary fiber. Calories from fat: 25.6% Original recipe from Weight Watchers "Simply Light Cooking". Conversion and additional nutritional analysis by Rick Weissgerber.