Zucchini Bread 1


5 zucchini
190 gr wheat flour
16 gr soy flour
32 gr nonfat dry milk powder
5 gr baking soda
1 gr salt
80 ml applesauce
30 gr walnuts
1 egg
240 gr pineapple


Prepare 8.5 x 4 x 6 cm loaf pan <or 9 x 5 x 8 cm pan> with oil or lecithin or light spray. Finely grate succhini, let drain while you combine dry ingredients. Preheat oven to 180ºC . In a large bowl, mix together flours, dry milk, baking soda, salt, and nuts if you will. Set aside.

In blender, puree on high speed the applesauce, egg or equivilent, and pineapple with juice . Add wet stuff to dry, moisten evenly. Squeeze out zucchini <should be half cup> and add to batter, blend.

Pour batter into prepared loaf pan and bake 70 minutes at 180ºC or until browned and iniserted cake tester comes out clean Remove bread from pan, cool to room tempeerature.

Wrap and chill