Zucchini Date Cake


120 gr zucchini
150 gr dates
2 orange zest
250 gr flour
9 gr baking powder
7 ml soda
2 egg whites
2 eggs
14 gr vanilla
250 gr sugar
32 gr almonds
1 gr salt
200 gr powdered sugar
3 gr cinnamon
75 ml orange juice
1 orange curacao
26 gr sugar


If dates are dry, soak to make them moist. Chop squash in processor. Add dates and orange zest. Blend well. Sift flour with baking powder, soda and salt. Blend dry ingredients. Beat egg. Add yogurt, sugar and vanilla. Add alternately dry mix and egg mix alternately to zucchini. Pour batter into lightly greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 350 about 45 minutes, or til tests done. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes. Unmold onto serving platter. If using glaze, peirce top and sides with with toothpicks. Spoon glaze over cake, allowing to soak in until cake is moist but not wet. Cool completely. Drizzle icing over cake and sprinkle with almonds Icing: combine powdered sugar, cinnamon, orange juice and liqueur in bowl. Mix til smooth. Use immediately. Orange Glaze: Stir together til smooth. Note: Avoid using dry old dates. For slightly softer cake texture, add 2 Tablespoon melted butter to batter before folding into squash. This will add 2 grams fat per serving.