Bean Curd With Broccoli


1 1/2 ts cornstarch
3/4 stock
1 tb dry sherry
2 tb soy sauce
1 tb sesame oil
1 scallion
4 tb vegetable oil
2 slices ginger root
2 slices garlic
2 c broccoli
1/2 ts salt
1/2 lb tofu


Put cornstarch into a cup & slowly add 1/4 c of stock & mix well. Add wine, soy sauce & sesame oil. Mix again. Cut scallion into 1 1/2" lengths. Heat vegetable oil in a wok over medium heat. When hot, put in ginger & garlic. Stir & fry for 10 seconds. Put in scallion & broccoli. Fry for 1 minute. Add 1/2 c stock & the salt. Bring to a simmer. Cover & cook over a medium heat for a minute, till broccoli is tender crisp. Remove broccoli with a slotted spoon. Turn heat to low & add tofu. Let it heat through. Add cornstarch mixture. Stir very gently. Put broccoli back in wok. Serve as soon as the sauce is thick & everything is heated through. Madhur Jaffrey "World of the East Vegetarian Cookbook"