Creamy Sweet Potato Soup


8 c water
2 ts thyme leaves
3 c onions
2 1/2 yams
2 c celery
2 c russet potatoes
1 c carrots
1/4 rounds
2 ts basil
1 ts tarragon
10 oz peas
2 tb parsley
1 c nonfat sour cream
1/2 c evaporated skim milk
2 spike
2 ts salt
2 chives


A fat free hearty creamy & sweet soup that was altered to nonfat from the original cookbook * 6 cups diced and 2 cups cut into 1/4" thick half circles. Bring to a boil water thyme bay leaves onions & diced yams. Lower heat to medium & cook covered about 30 min until potatoes begin to break apart and form a broth. Add celery russet potato & carrots continue cooking 10 min. Add half circle yams basil and tarragon. Lower heat and simmer covered until carrots and yam pieces are tender about 10-15 min. Add peas & parsley and simmer 5 min. Turn burner to lowest heat. Blend sour cream and milk together in a blender container and add to soup along with the spike salt & chives. Heat gently stirring often until soup is hot but not boiling. Adjust seasonings to taste. Nutrition (per serving): 152 calories Total Fat 0 g (3% of calories)