Fortune Cookies


3 tablespoons butter softened
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3/8 cup flour


Heat oven to 400. Grease 2 cookie sheets. Write a fortune on each strip of paper and have an empty water glass ready.

Beat butter, sugar egg white and vanilla in a small bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Stir in flour.

Working in batches of 3, drop 1 1/2 teaspoons of batter at least 4" apart on prepared cookie sheet. Spread batter with back of a spoon into a 3" circle.

Bake 3 to 4 minutes or until edges turn golden brown. Working quickly, remove cookie with a spatula to work surface. Place a fortune horizontally in the center of the cookie. Fold bottom half of cookie to top and press edges with fingertips for 3 seconds. Holding top edge of cookie, place center of fold over rim of the glass. Gently press sides down to bend cookie in middle. Let cool on rim 1 minutes. Repeat with remaining 2 cookies. Let cookies cool completely on wire rack. Repeat process using remaining dough and cooled cookie sheet. Store in an airtight container.