Lentil And Vermicelli Soup


8 cups water
2 teaspoon salt i pepper i cumin
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 onions
4 garlic
1 pepper
1/2 cup coriander leaves
3/8 vermicelli


into small pie(es Place lentils, water, salt, pepper, and cumin in a pot and bring to boil. Cover and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes. In the meantime, heat oil in frying pan; then saut6 onions, garlic, and hot pepper over medium heat for about 1 0 minutes. Add coriander and stir-fry for 3 more minutes. Add frying pan contents and vermicelli to lentils and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes or until vermicelli and lentils are wellcooked. The fresh coriander and cooked vermicelli add an interesting touch to this version of lentil soup.