Potato Fudge


3 oz unsweetened chocolate
3 tb buttermargarine
3/8 c unseasoned mashed potatoes
1 ts vanilla
1 ds salt
1 lb confectioners sugar
2 ts milk


Flaked coconut Chopped walnuts Melt chocolate and butter in saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat. Add mashed potatoes, vanilla and salt. Mix well. Sift confectioners sugar into large bowl. Add chocolate mixture, mixing well. Mixture will be crumbly. Add 1-2 tsp milk, if necessary, to make a mixture that can be kneaded. Turn out on board and knead until smooth. Shape mixture into two rolls, 12 inches long and 1-1/4 inch in diameter. Roll in coconut or walnuts. Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices. Makes 48 pieces. Origin: Farm Journal's Choice Chocolate Recipes Shared by: Sharon Stevens