Death By Vanilla Pudding

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soak tapioca in 2 cups cold water in refrigerator overnight. Drain and place in a large sauce pan with cream and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, add sugar and vanilla slowly, stirring the whole time (it will get very thick very fast and lump if you don't) Beat eggs to a froth, add to pudding mixture. Simmer for 5 minutes (until eggs are set with the rest of the pudding) Chill overnight, warm each serving (microwave works best) and serve. This is a very rich pudding. Most people will not want very much, however they will savor each bite! If you do not chill the pudding overnight you are missing the chance to taste the best vanilla pudding you have ever allowed you pallet to enjoy. The vanilla called for in the recipe may be purchased through williams sonoma (direct or mail order) or may be replaced with any GOOD real vanilla extract such as found in many fine cooking stores. I have tried it with "american" vanilla extracts but keep returning to the madagascar.