Southern Pecan Cheesecake

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Southern Pecan Cheesecake


CRUST: Combine ingredients and press into bottom of 25 cm springform pan. FILLING: one third cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 Tablespoons flour 1 Tablespoon butter 1 cup finely chopped pecans Blend ingredients together and set aside. CAKE: 4 8 ozs. packages cream cheese 0.75 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 Tablespoons cornstarch 6 eggs half cup sour cream quarter cup bourbon temperature to 225 degrees and bake about 45 minutes longer. Cool and refrigerate. BOURBON SAUCE: quarter cup butter two third cup firmly packed brown sugar quarter cup heavy cream quarter cup bourbon Melt butter. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Add cream and bourbon and simmer 5 minutes. Spread over cold cheesecake.