Chocolate Pudding Cake

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La. Times

Baked Goods

Chocolate Pudding Cake


Cream shortening and sugar in bowl until light and fluffy. Add melted chocolate and eggs. Beat well. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt in separate bowl. Add flour mixture alternately with buttermilk to chocolate mixture, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla extract. Pour into greased 8-inch square cake pan. Cover loosely with foil. Bake at 350 degrees 1 hour. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Each serving contains: 475 calories; 164 mg sodium; 72 mg cholesterol; 25 grams fat; 60 grams carbohydrates; 7 grams protein; 0.32 gram fiber. Presented by: Rose Dosti, L.A. Times Culinary SOS column, 3/16/95, H22. ----