- 4 garlic (cloves)
- 4 celery stalks
- 4 peppers (hot red)
- 4 heads dill
- 4200 gr green cherry tomatoes
- 1900 ml vinegar (white)
- 65 gr pickling salt
Pack 3.5 lbs. cherry tomatoes in hot quart jars. To each quart, add a garlic clove, a celery stalk, a hot red pepper, and a head of dill. Combine water, pickling salt and vinegar. Boil. Fill jars to 1 cm from top. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath. From Maggie Hennessey in _A Taste of West Virginia: A Book of Favorite Recipes_. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service, Inc., 1991. Pp. 10-11.