Orange Cream Pie

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Baked Goods

Orange Cream Pie


This is from old handwritten cook book(journal) Combine all ingredients except the egggs in the top of a double boiler. Cook for 5-8 min's, or until smooth.Beat the egg yolks slightly and dilute gradually with some of the hot mixture. When eggs are thoroughly diluted and all danger of curdling is past, add them to the double boiler mixture, and cook and stir for about 5 minutes more. Cool the custard, then pou into baked pie shell.Top with fresh or canned orange segments. (If fresh be sure to remove all membrane from oranges.) Cover with a meringue made of the beaten egg whites, a pinch of salt and 6 tbls of sugar. Beat until stiff peaks. Bake in preheated oven 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until Meringue is delicately brown. Good Luck and Enjoy. Joni in S. Jersey