Salted-cod Pudding

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Salted-cod Pudding


NOTES: A rich pudding with salt cod, eggs and milk -This was cooked on a TV program a few days ago and is very nice. Icelandic saltfish is mostly exported to Spain, Portugal and Italy, where it is used in Christmas main dishes. Here in Iceland we just boil it, and usually eat it with boiled potatoes and boiled turnips, cut in pieces. As the fish is a bit dry we use butter with it, and sometimes brown bread. * If you cannot get salt cod, you can make your own by salting a cod fillet and leaving it in the salt, refrigerated, for 3 or 4 days, then wash thoroughly. : Difficulty: easy. : Time: 20 minutes preparation, 40 minutes baking. : Precision: approximate measurement OK. : Eirikur T. Einarsson : Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland : {mcvax,enea}!hafro!eirikur eirikur@hafro.UUCP : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust