Using ingredient tagliatelle
Lemon Tagliatelle
- 175 tagliatelle
- 50 greek strained yoghurt
- 1/2 rind of lemon
- 7 ml olive oil
- 1 gr nutmeg (grated)
Tagliatelle With Mange
- 225 tagliatelle (fresh)
- 175 mange tout (cut diagonally)
- 5 tbs
- 1 garlic clove (crushed)
- 75 ml single cream
- 30 ml olive oil
- 1 slice shallot (sliced)
Fresh Tagliatelle With Garlic, Rucola And Sun
- 1 tagliatelle (fresh)
- 120 ml extra-virgin olive oil
- 60 ml dry wine (white)
- 18 slices sundried tomato (halves)
- 6 slices garlic (cloves)
- some rucola