Paprika Beef Roll

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Paprika Beef Roll

*3 pounds total.

Pound steaks until thin, rub in salt, pepper, and plenty of paprika. Overlap steaks on meat board, making one large steak. Spread with a layer of sliced mushrooms and a layer of thinly sliced onions. Add pimiento. Cover with finely rolled bread crumbs.

With beater, combine: � cup melted butter or bacon drippings, boiling water, and egg. Immediately dribble this mixture over bread crumbs.

Arrange stuffed olives in a row on long side of steak. Roll the meat around olives. Tie roll firmly. Salt and pepper the outside. Brown in quarter cup butter or drippings in roaster or deep earthenware baker.

Place whole mushrooms and onions into roaster, and sprinkle all lightly with salt, pepper and paprika. Add 1 cup of red wine. Roast meat in 350 � oven for about two hours. Serve hot or cold.

Serves 6