Shepards Pie

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Shepards Pie


Mince the cold meat, removing all fat, skin and gristle first. Cook potatoes, peeled and cut in halves, until soft enough for mashing. Melt 1 tablespoon butter or maragrine in a saucepan and stir in the four. To this add slowly stirring, quarter pint meat stock or milk. When smooth and fairly thick and just to the point of boiling, stir in the minced meat. Stir over a low heat for 3 minutes, seaoning with the salt and pepper to taste. Pour into a flat oven proof dish and refrigerate. Meanwhile, mash the potatoes, season and stir in half teaspoon butter or margarine, and a little milk and whick with a fork until smooth. Set aside until the minced meat is cool enough to have solidified and formed a solid surface. If you add the potatoes to hot mince, it will sink into it. When cool, spread the potatoes about an inch thick all over the dish, working lightly with a fork. Dot with pieces of butter or cover with grated cheese, if liked. Bkae in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. This dish may be prepared in the morning and left for cooking in the evening wothout harm. Cabbage is the best vegetable to accompany this dish. ----