Brazil Nut Torte

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Brazil Nut Torte

cracker crumbs. With electric mixer at medium speed, or "cream" (or with spoon), thoroughly mix shortening with sugar, then with yolks, until very light and fluffy--about 4 min. altogether. Add nuts and vanilla. Then, at low speed, or "blend", beat in flour mixture alternately with indicated amount of milk, beating after each addition. Quickly fold in egg whites. Turn into pans. Bake 30 min., or till done. Cool in pans on wire rack. Meanwhile, combine vanilla pudding with 1 1/2 cups milk. Cook, stirring, over medium heat until mixture comes to boil. Remove from heat; pour into bowl; place waxed paper directly on surface of pudding. Refrigerate. The day: Beat pudding until smooth; fold in whipped cream. Split each cake layerspread filling between layers and on top of cake. Refrigerate at least 1 hr. With butter, margarine, or lard, use 1 cup milk. With vegetable or any other shortening, use 1 cup plus 1 cup plus 2 tablesp. milk.