- 16 pans
- 12 frying over heat (pan)
- 3 day
- 2 long
- 2 onions
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 corn tortillas
- 2 reserved liquid
- 1 chipotle chili
- 1 tomato
- 1 garlic head
- 1 plantain
- 1/2 sesame seed
- 1/2 tomatillos
- 8 cups boiling water
- 2 c chicken broth
- 1 cup reserved chili-soaking liquid
- 1/2 lb mulato chilies
- 4 oz mexican chocolate
- 4 oz semisweet chocolate
- 1/2 c peanuts
- 1/4 lb ancho chilies
- 1/2 c prunes
- 1/2 c dry almonds (roasted)
- 3/8 c raisins
- 2 oz pasilla chilies
- 2 tb salad oil
- 1 ts anise seed
- 1 ts coriander seed
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon roasting the chilies (ground)
following; or chill airtight up to 1 week or freeze up to 3 months.